These are not just disorders of the skin, but are due to an internal imbalance. Homeopathic treatment addresses the causation level in a permanently way.
Acne Rosacea and Acne Vulgaris are not just disorders of the skin, but are due to an internal imbalance that needs to be addressed on a deeper, or constitutional level. The homeopathic “constitutional” approach is one of discovering the individuality of the person suffering from the complaint by taking a holistic portrait; examining not just the symptoms one experiences during a flare-up, but also understanding the personality and individual temperament.
As opposed to conventional therapy, homeopathic treatment does not merely limit itself to controlling the acute manifestation of symptoms, but instead aims treatment on the primary causation level, thereby eradicating the externalized expression of acne symptoms permanently. The homeopathic approach stimulates the individual’s own natural forces of recovery by aiming treatment at the cause of the acne disorder instead of prescribing medications based solely on the diagnosis. In homeopathy we cure the individual thereby eliminating the symptoms!
Antimonium Crudum, Asterias Rubens, Berberis Aquifolium, Calcarea Sulphurica, Carbo Animalis, Copaiva, Graphites, Juglans Cineria, Juglans Regia, Kalium Bromatum, Lycopodium, Mercurius Solubilis, Nitric Acidum, Nux Vomica, Petroleum, Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Chrysanthum, Rhus Toxicodendron, Rosa Damascena, Sarsaparilla Officianalis, Sepia Officinalis, Silicea Terra, Sulphur, Teucrium Marum Verum, Zincum Metallicum
Rosacea is a chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, or eyelids. The cause is unknown. The symptoms are due to enlargement of blood vessels just under the skin. This occurs most
frequently in fair-skinned people who blush easily.
Red areas on face;Inflammation of cheeks, nose, forehead, and chin;Red, bulbous nose.Rosacea usually begins between ages 30 and 50 years. Although it is more common in women, men are more likely to
have the severe form with a bright red, bulbous nose.Because it may cause pimple-like pustules in the reddened areas, the condition used to be called acne rosacea. However, this name is misleading,
because blackheads and whiteheads of acne are not associated with rosacea.
Conventional Treatment
Rosacea is not life-threatening, but it seriously affects your appearance. Sometimes you can minimize the redness by avoiding hot or spicy foods, hot beverages, and alcohol. Consult your physician if
these avoidance measures do not decrease the redness to your satisfaction.
Long-term treatment with an antibiotic (such as tetracycline) almost always is effective in controlling rosacea. After decreasing the dose of the antibiotic gradually to maintain control, you may eventually discontinue the drug without recurrence of the rosacea. Later, laser treatment can eliminate persistent blood vessels and improve your complexion.
A skin condition common in adolescence resulting in pimples.Acne refers to any skin blemish or condition which results largely from the plugging of hair follicles and skin glands with secondary
bacterial infection. Distribution favors the face, chest, back, and shoulders, due to overactive oil-secreting (sebaceous) glands. Hormone changes during puberty activate the oil-secreting glands.
Diet may be a factor in the development of acne. Fatty foods and sweets are best avoided by most individuals with this condition.
Blackheads or whiteheads on face, neck, shoulders, or back;Pimples (zits);Cysts.Acne occurs when the hair follicles of your skin become plugged. Each follicle contains sebaceous glands that secrete a
fatty oil (sebum) to lubricate your hair and skin.
When your body produces sebum and dead cells faster than they can exit from the pore, the two solidify as a white, cheesy plug. This plug may close the pore, causing the follicle wall to bulge, thus creating a whitehead. If the pore stays open, the top surface of the plug may darken, causing a blackhead. Blackheads are neither caused nor colored by dirt.
Pimples are infections that develop when whiteheads rupture the follicle wall. After the rupture, solidified sebum, dead cells, and bacteria invade your skin. Ruptures deep within your skin form boil-like infections called cystic acne.
In some situations, the sebaceous gland continues to secrete material that does not rupture through the skin. Instead, a flattened, pliable lump forms under the skin. This is called a sebaceous cyst or wen. Sometimes the lumps can be an inch or more in diameter. Generally, there is no discoloration or pain unless the cyst becomes infected.
Three out of four teenagers have some acne. It is most prevalent in adolescence, because hormonal changes stimulate the sebaceous glands during these years, increasing sebum production and the chances of acne. Menstrual periods, the use of birth control pills or cortisone medications, and stress may aggravate acne in later life. Sudden onset of severe acne in a mature woman may be caused by a tumor that affects hormone production. This requires prompt medical attention.
Application of oil or grease to your skin can aggravate acne. This includes use of oil-based makeup, suntan oil, or hairdressing solutions, as well as oils from machinery or cooking.
Acne usually is easy to diagnose. Pimple-like pustules alone, with no blackheads or whiteheads, may be another skin disease (see: Rosacea) or a reaction to medications such as corticosteroids.
For many people, acne is a chronic problem from puberty through early adulthood. It eventually clears up in most cases, but permanent scars may remain. Medical treatment usually provides visible improvement within a few months, but the condition can affect self-esteem, confidence, personality, and social life.
Conventional Treatment
Your acne may require a lengthy, consistent treatment involving four basic steps. First, identify everything that aggravates your acne and avoid these things. Second, follow your physician's advice
about removing blackheads and mature pimples, or have this done by a professional. Third, use a cleansing agent or soap that dries out your skin enough to cause minor shedding of skin so that the
follicular plugs flake. Finally, promote skin peeling within your follicles, either by using one of the medications described below or by using a sunlamp (with proper caution).Two types of medication
can help acne. The first is topical, that is, you apply it directly to your skin. This lotion dries up the oil and promotes the skin's peeling. Over-the-counter lotions are mild and contain benzoyl
peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid as the active ingredient. Stronger lotions containing these ingredients or a vitamin A acid (tretinoin or retinoic acid) require a prescription and
supervision by your dermatologist.
The second type of medication is taken orally. For severe acne, your dermatologist may prescribe either an antibiotic (tetracycline) or—if your acne is severe—a new form of vitamin A acid (isotretinoin). Both can cause side effects, and neither should be used during pregnancy. The vitamin A preparation, in particular, may cause birth defects. Because such harmful effects are likely to occur during the very early stages of pregnancy, even before you are certain you are pregnant, do not use this drug if you are not using birth control measures.Cystic acne and sebaceous cysts may require minor surgery (under local anesthesia) for drainage and removal.
Doctors may use cosmetic surgery to diminish scars left by acne. The main procedures are dermabrasion or peeling by freezing or chemicals. However, if your skin tends to form scar tissue (refer to: Keloids), these procedures can make your complexion much worse.
Peeling procedures eliminate superficial scars. Dermabrasion, usually reserved for more severe scarring, consists of abrading the skin with a rapidly rotating wire brush. Your doctor will use a local anesthetic or topical freezing of your skin during the procedure. General anesthesia ordinarily is not required. Generally, dermabrasion is done as an outpatient procedure.
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