In the previous newsletter we discussed the benefits of Ruta Graveolens for back pain. But there are different types of back problems. In fact there are as many types of back pains as there are people who have back problems.
Another very useful remedy for back problems is Rhus Toxicodendron. Taken every few hours in the 30c potency, this remedy may alleviate symptoms when there is typically much soreness and stiffness on commencing movement, but marked improvement as the back limbers up from continued motion.
Often over-lifting is a factor, and the pains tends to be more pronounced when there is dampness or humidity in the air. Massage and applied warmth can also help relieve some of the pain.
For those who tend to experience chronic back problems, even though Ruta Graveolens or Rhus Toxicodendron may have some temporary benefit, there is a more holistic homeopathic "constitutional" approach. This more comprehensive approach strives to get to the basic underlying disorder, and permanently remove the fundamental imbalance from where these recurrent episodes stem. If you, or someone you know, are interested in exploring this exciting option, click on the following link and submit a request for a 15 minute free evaluation where Sanford Lapedis, N.D. (a homeopathic practitioner with more than 27 years experience) will personally call you to explain the benefits of this approach: free-homeopathic-evaluation