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Bryonia Alba


With the holiday season just around the corner, it is a time to celebrate, enjoy company and perhaps raise a glass or two. The next morning we may rue our revelry of the night before when we feel hung-over. There is the homeopathic remedy Bryonia Alba 30c that can help when we experience a headache that is worse from any form of movement, and better from rest.

The least amount of exertion, and sometimes even moving the eyes, can make the pain worse. It is the kind of headache that makes one feel like being left alone and undisturbed in a quiet dark room, with an ice-pack on one’s head. The head feels dull, thick and heavy. There can be dizziness, nausea or a lack of appetite. There can also be thirst or dryness of the mouth. A dose of Bryonia Alba 30c taken every 20-30 minutes for 3 or 4 doses will often relieve the symptoms and put a smile back on our face.


For those who find that they are getting headaches and migraines too often, or feel there is some other underlying cause which predisposes them to headaches & migraines, there is a more holistic homeopathic "constitutional" approach. This more comprehensive approach strives to get to the basic underlying disorder, and permanently remove the fundamental imbalance from where these recurrent episodes stem. If you, or someone you know, are interested in exploring this exciting option, click on the following link and submit a request for a 15 minute free evaluation where Sanford Lapedis, N.D. (a homeopathic practitioner with more than 30 years experience) will personally call you to explain the benefits of this approach: free-homeopathic-evaluation


Special note for those who are already taking “constitutional” homeopathic treatment: This recommendation should not interfere with your ongoing homeopathic treatment. Should this be a recurring condition, it is advisable to bring it to your practitioner’s attention.

This information is not to be considered in any way as medical advice, but is just an educational resource. It is always recommended that you consult your primary health care provider for all health matters or problems; nor is the information to be construed as a substitute for recommendations from your primary health care provider.

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