Conventional medicine mostly treats the symptoms of asthma, but never cures the person, and so attacks are recurrent. In homeopathy we cure the individual, thereby eliminating the symptoms
Asthma is generally a chronic condition, and though there are various homeopathic remedies that can assist in managing an acute episode or the shortness of breath, a “constitutional” homeopathic approach can, in most cases, cure the underlying disposition. The homeopathic “constitutional” approach is one of discovering the individuality of the person suffering from the complaint by taking a holistic portrait; examining not just the symptoms one experiences during an attack, but also understanding the personality and individual temperament. Looking closely at all the changes and variations that occur on the physical, mental and emotional levels in order to determine how a person’s health and well being have become altered. Homeopathy further examines hereditary factors and environmental triggers in order to complete this constitutional portrait. The homeopathic approach stimulates the individual’s own natural forces of recovery by aiming treatment at the cause of the illness instead of prescribing medications based solely on the diagnosis. In conventional medicine they mostly treat the symptoms, but never cure the person, and so attacks are recurrent. In homeopathy we cure the individual thereby eliminating the symptoms!
Antimoniun Tartaricum, Arsenicum Album, Blatta Americana, Calcarea Carbonicum, Calcarea Phosporicum, Carbo Vegetabilis, Ipecacuanha, Kali Arsenicosum, Kali Carbonicum, Lobelia Inflata, Lycopodium Clavatum, Medorrhinum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla Pratensis, Sambucus Nigra, Senega, Silicea Terra, Spongia Tosta, Stannum Metallicum, Sukphur, Thuja.
A condition characterized by paroxysmal attacks of bronchospasm causing periodic tightness in the chest, coughing, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing.
Difficulty in breathing.
Painless tightness in the chest.
Coughing up of excess mucus.
Extreme difficulty in breathing.
Bluish cast to the face and lips.
Severe anxiety.
Increased pulse rate.
Difficulty in breathing is the primary symptom of asthma. This usually is accompanied by wheezing as the air is forced through narrowed bronchial tubes. Coughing episodes, sometimes producing mucus, also is very characteristic. The symptoms of an asthma attack can occur within minutes after exposure to an offending allergen, but they also may occur for no apparent reason.
Physicians use various tests to help diagnose the disease. A chest x-ray, complete physical examination, and special lung (pulmonary) tests may be called for. Your physician may also ask you to keep a diary to determine if there is a pattern to the attacks and thus narrow the list of possible causes.Attacks are irritating more often than dangerous, especially when breathing is only partially restricted. The attacks last minutes to hours and sometimes even days. Often, a cold is the trigger for an asthmatic attack, and the symptoms of asthma may last as long as the cold. Attacks can be dangerous when air flow is severely obstructed. A person with asthma should be under the care of a physician. With help, the attacks can be controlled so that they seldom become disabling or life-threatening.
Asthma may be caused or aggravated by allergy to pollen, mold spores, animal dander, or house dust mites. However, its cause often is unknown. Respiratory infections, exercise, and anti-inflammatory drugs, including aspirin, can cause or aggravate asthma. Emotional distress once was thought to be a major contributing factor in asthma attacks, but research has shown that it is less significant than previously thought.As in other allergies, IgE antibodies react with allergens, which produces histamine and other chemicals. The result is a tightening of the muscles and swelling of the lining of lung airways and increased production of mucus. Air flow through the swollen bronchial tubes is restricted, producing a wheezing sound that is loudest during exhaling of the breath.
Asthma affects almost 10 million Americans. It is seen most often in children and usually is an inherited condition. It is not contagious and may remain chronic throughout childhood. It is the leading cause of chronic illness in children. Up to 10 percent of children have asthma, and it is twice as common in boys as in girls. About half of the children who develop the condition do so before age 10; another third develop it by age 40. Some children outgrow it because no more than 3 to 5 percent of the adult population have it.
Asthma is a disease of the airways, and allergies may be the trigger for an attack. Therefore, the treatments are similar to those for other forms of allergy, if the allergen can be identified: Avoid smoke, smoking, and smokers; keep the dust down and condition your air; don't keep any pet that produces allergens. People with asthma should also be careful to avoid foods with sulfites and using analgesics.Some people with asthma experience severe attacks after they take aspirin. Often, these people also have nasal polyps. If you are sensitive to aspirin, do not use it and make sure that any over-the-counter cold or pain medications you take do not contain aspirin (also called acetylsalicylic acid). Also avoid ibuprofen, available in over-the-counter form (Advil, Nuprin, and Aleve) and by prescription (Motrin or Rufen) because it may cause a reaction as well. The same goes for other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs taken for pain and arthritis, including indomethacin (Indocin), naproxen (Naproxyn), mefenamic acid (Ponstel), sulindac (Clinoril), and piroxicam (Feldene).
An allergist may prescribe an inhaled drug called cromolyn that helps prevent attacks. This medication is often prescribed as a maintenance drug for children and young adults. Nedocromil is a similar drug used for adolescents and adults. In addition, inhaled bronchodilators and oral doses of steroids are used for immediate relief.
Salmeterol (Serevent), a new, easy-to-use inhalant may be more effective than other asthma medication. Most inhalers relieve symptoms for up to 6 hours and are taken 3 to 4 times daily. Salmeterol in the morning and evening provides relief lasting 12 hours. This is especially beneficial at night, since other medications taken before bedtime wear off. Since salmeterol takes 20 to 30 minutes to work, however, it is best for preventing attacks rather than for immediate relief during acute attacks.
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